Meet Alex Nickerson

 Welcome to Alex Nickerson on Business, Finance and Life. Alex was born into a small-town family, where his father was an owner of a gas station and his mother was a nurse. Alex was brought up to believe in the industrial way of thinking; go to school, get a good education, find a great company to work for, work four decades, retire and live the golden years. That was his plan until he was presented with a business plan by Claude Hamilton that would change the course of his life forever. It was a business based on educating North Americans of the Information Age way of thinking.  At first it seemed too good to be true, but after applying the principals learned from CDs, books, DVDs and mentorship from Claude Hamilton and Orrin Woodward.  Alex’s life today seems too good to be true, to the point that he pinches himself to make sure he is not dreaming.  After 23 months of working the Life Leadership business he was able to walk away from his 50 – 80 hours a week construction job and buy back his time with a 6 figure income. Today, Alex spends his days with the wife of his dreams, Leighann, and his four amazing children, Jaxon, Marik, Baileigh and his newest edition Brooklyn.


Through their strong partnership with Claude and Lana Hamilton, Alex and Leighann are currently CAB qualified Senior Coordinators + 6K in Life Leadership. They continue to be committed to teaching people to improve their lives in the 8F’s: Faith, Family, Finance, Fitness, Friends, Freedom, Following, and Fun.  They share a passion for speaking to people across North America and beyond to help improve the quality of lives through the application of Information in the Life Leadership Business.

Welcome to the LIFE you’ve always wanted

11 thoughts on “Meet Alex Nickerson

  1. Ricky Banman

    Hi Alex!
    I just wanted to say a few things about the last Major Convention for Life in Ohio. Wow!! What a weekend. With all the quality experienced Leadership being presented all weekend, it is not hard to build your dream. This being my first (our first, Megan and I) Convention, it was hard to imagine what to expect. All I can say is that the weekend was absolutely worth it; the teaching was direct, motivating, and always some nugget you needed to increase the faith in yourself, and in your business. I think this was a turning point for us, giving us the necessary tools and frame of mind to pursue our dreams.
    Thank you for being an awesome Leader; we appreciate your insight and knowledge.

    Ricky & Megan Banman

  2. Edie Yeaton

    I just wanted to let you know how amazing the two of you were on Saturday night. You are my samurai and I am so very proud!!

  3. Pingback: Which Free Trip Are You Going On? | Alex Nickerson

  4. Pingback: Mental Fitness Challenge Is Here!! | Alex Nickerson

  5. Pingback: Mental Fitness Challenge Is Here!! | Alex Nickerson

  6. Pingback: LIFE Business: First Year Results | Alex Nickerson

  7. Pingback: Life Founders and All Grace Outreach Program | Alex Nickerson

  8. Pingback: Winter Leadership Convention is around the corner!! | Alex Nickerson

  9. Pingback: One Time Cash Awards Announced!!! | Alex Nickerson

  10. Pingback: Ontario Explosion – New Turbo 50s – Paul & Tara Ferrusi | Alex Nickerson

  11. Norm Hayner

    Hi Alex and Leighann… Thank you so much for coming to Syracuse, NY this past weekend! You both provided us with so much great information and did an excellent job of “transferring the feeling” about the fantastic culture of Team Kaizen. To top it off by having Claude and Lana come in the next day for a pizza party with our Tony & Pat Tefel led group now known officially as Kaizen-Rascals made it a truly special weekend for sure! We have always had great admiration for all our friends North of the border and now we are honored to stand side by side with you as we go to a million and beyond. See you in Columbus! – Norm and Deana Hayner (Halfmoon, NY)

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